I was attending a conference six months ago and listened to a talk about quality. During the talk, I was introduced to EARS — Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax. This way of writing requirements struck a chord with me, given my prior experience reading and writing requirement specifications.

When doing agile development, we write User Stories and define Acceptance Criteria.

As a <role>, I want <goal/desire> so that <benefit>

When doing BDD, we follow this format:

In order to <receive benefit>, as a <role>, I want <goal/desire>

It’s not always easy to go from user stories and acceptance criteria to start writing tests.

I think that with Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax in place, it will be easier to do Behavior Driven Development.

When doing Hypothesis Driven Development, we follow this format:

We believe <this capability>

Will result in <this outcome>

We will know we have succeeded when <we see a measurable signal>

So my hypothesis is:

I believe using Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax

Will result in easier implementation of Behavior Driven Development

I will know I have succeeded when business people can actually write the (SpecFlow) feature files themselves ☺

Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax

EARS was created during a case study at Rolls-Royce on requirements for aircraft engine control systems.

They identified eight major problems with writing requirements in an unstructured natural language:

  • Ambiguity (a word or phrase has two or more different meanings).
  • Vagueness (lack of precision, structure and/or detail).
  • Complexity (compound requirements containing complex sub-clauses and/or several interrelated statements).
  • Omission (missing requirements, particularly requirements to handle unwanted behavior).
  • Duplication (repetition of requirements that are defining the same need).
  • Wordiness (use of an unnecessary number of words).
  • Inappropriate implementation (statements of how the system should be built, rather than what it should do).
  • Untestability (requirements that cannot be proven true or false when the system is implemented).

To overcome or reduce the effects of these problems they came up with a rule set with five simple templates.

Requirements are divided into five types:

  • Ubiquitous
  • Event-driven
  • State-driven
  • Unwanted behaviors
  • Optional features


The <system name> shall <system response>


When <optional preconditions> <trigger>, the <system name> shall <system response>


While <in a specific state>, the <system name> shall <system response>

Unwanted behaviors

If <optional preconditions> <trigger>, then the <system name> shall <system response>

Optional features

Where <feature is included>, the <system name> shall <system response>

The Stack Class

Let’s put this to the test with the Stack<T> Class as the example.

This is some of the documentation from MSDN:

Represents a variable size last-in-first-out (LIFO) collection of instances of the same specified type.

The capacity of the Stack<T> is the number of elements that the Stack<T> can store. Count is the number of elements that are actually in the Stack<T>.

Three main operations can be performed on a Stack<T> and its elements:

  • Push inserts an element at the top of the Stack<T>.
  • Pop removes an element from the top of the Stack<T>.
  • Peek returns an element that is at the top of the Stack<T> but does not remove it from the Stack<T>.

If we were to write a User Story in BDD format:

In order to store instances of the same specified type in last-in-first-out (LIFO) sequence

As a developer

I want to use a Stack<T>

If we were to write requirements with EARS templates:


The Stack<T> shall store instances of the same specified type in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order.

The Stack<T> shall return the number of elements contained when the property Count is invoked.


When the method Push is invoked, the Stack<T> shall insert the element at the top.

When the method Pop is invoked, the Stack<T> shall remove and return the element at the top.

When the method Peek is invoked, the Stack<T> shall return the element at the top without removing it.


While an element is present, the Stack<T> shall return true when the method Contains is invoked.

While an element is not present, the Stack<T> shall return false when the method Contains is invoked.

Unwanted behaviors

If empty and the method Pop is invoked, then the Stack<T> shall throw InvalidOperationException.

If empty and the method Peek is invoked, then the Stack<T> shall throw InvalidOperationException.

Optional features

Where instantiated with a specified collection, the Stack<T> shall be prepopulated with the elements of the collection.

Behavior Driven Development

Let’s take this to the next level with BDD and SpecFlow.

  • Each requirement has its own scenario
  • I’ve tagged the scenarios with the type of requirement for clarity

In my opinion, it was easy to write the tests. I copy-and-pasted the requirement to the SpecFlow feature file and then I knew exactly how many scenarios I needed to implement. I think the examples in the scenarios makes the requirements easier to understand and reason about. Maybe this should be called Requirements by Example?

The BDD Cycle

When implementing the production code, we can use The BDD Cycle described in The RSpec Book.

The BDD Cycle

  • A photo of page 10 from my copy of The RSpec Book
  • As a .NET developer, you can replace Cucumber with SpecFlow and RSpec with Machine.Specifications

The BDD Cycle introduces two levels of testing. We can use SpecFlow to focus on the high-level behavior, the requirements. And use Machine.Specifications to focus on more granular behavior, unit testing code in isolation.
