I needed to update my resume, maintenance was long overdue. I decided to make an Angular 2 app and put it on my portfolio site.

Take a look at the result: http://henrik.laueriksson.com/cv/

Take a look at the code: https://github.com/hlaueriksson/cv

N.B. The CV is in Swedish.

Angular 2

Angular 2.0.0 was released two weeks ago.

Read the docs at: https://angular.io

To get started you need to install:

  • Node.js
  • npm

I’m writing this on a Mac, so installing the prerequisites was easy.

Angular 2 apps consists of:

  • TypeScript
    • You can also use JavaScript or Dart
  • HTML
  • CSS

I’m using Visual Studio Code as my editor. It does a good job with TypeScript, HTML and CSS.


To make Angular 2 development less painful, use the Angular-CLI tool.

Read the docs at: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli

With Angular-CLI you don’t need a build script or a task manager. No need for Gulp or Grunt anymore!

Here follows the account of what I did to write my CV app…

Generate a new project with ng new cv:

ng new cv

This will:

  • create all files needed to get started
  • initialize git
  • install npm packages

Check out the automated commit with git log:

git log

Run a development server with ng serve:

ng serve

Then you can browse http://localhost:4200/

Run unit tests with ng test:

ng test

Run end-to-end tests with ng e2e:

ng e2e

Generating code:

  • ng g component foo
  • ng g service foo
  • ng g class foo

I generated three components, one service and one class.

Read more about scaffolding in the angular-cli README.

After the scaffolding, the actual coding began…

Random thoughts:

  • The TypeScript syntax take some time to get used to. I like that it’s type safe. C# developers should feel more at home with TypeScript than with JavaScript.
  • The development server runs with a file watch. Just save the file you are working on in the editor. The code is then transpiled and bundled. The browser reloads automatically. This is awesome!
  • Specs end up in the same folder as the production code. It makes it easy to navigate the editor.
  • Components can have their own CSS files. This makes styling very modular.
  • Refactoring support in Visual Studio Code is lacking.
  • Googling on errors will lead you to Stack Overflow, but the answers may be for a beta or release candidate of Angular 2. Then you are out of luck.

Run tslint with ng lint:

ng lint

And then fix your mistakes :)

I build my prod dist with ng build --prod --bh /cv/

All builds make use of bundling

The --prod flag

will also make use of uglifying and tree-shaking functionality.

I need to set the --bh flag to update the base href, because I’ll host the app in a subfolder on http://henrik.laueriksson.com/cv/

A really cool feature is direct deployment to GitHub Pages. I didn’t try this, maybe next time.


Try Angular 2! You will learn something new if you are a backend developer like me.