How to create a ASP.NET Core Web API, secure it with JSON Web Tokens and explore it with Swagger UI and Postman.

You can view the example code in this post at


I installed the new Visual Studio 2017 and created a new ASP.NET Core Web Application.

New ASP.NET Core Web Application

Then I added these dependencies:

The subject in this blog post is the StackController:

  • The controller provides a REST interface for an in-memory stack. It’s the same example code I have used in a previous blog post.

  • The [Authorize] attribute specifies that the actions in the controller requires authorization. It will be handled with JSON Web Tokens. The configuration for this will be done in the Startup class.

  • The actions are decorated with SwaggerResponse attributes. This makes Swashbuckle understand the types returned for different status codes.

The appsettings.json file has some custom configuration for the JWT authentication:

  • In this example we will use three things when issuing tokens; Audience, Issuer and the SigningKey

  • The values for Audience and Issuer can be an arbitrary string. They will be used as claims and the tokens that are issued will contain them.

  • The SigningKey is used when generating the hashed signature for the token. The key must be kept secret. You probably want to use the Secret Manager to secure the key.

The TokenOptions class is the type safe representation of the configuration in the appsettings:

  • The Type defaults to Bearer, which is the schema used by JWT.

  • The expiration of the tokens defaults to one hour.

The TokenOptions will be used in two places in the codebase. Therefor I extracted some convenience methods into TokenOptionsExtensions:

  • GetExpiration returns a DateTime (UTC) indicating when the issued token should expire.

  • GetSigningCredentials returns an object that will be used for generating the token signature. HmacSha256 is the algorithm used.

  • GetSymmetricSecurityKey returns an object that wraps the value of the SigningKey as a byte array.

The Startup class configures the request pipeline that handles all requests made to the application.

Swagger, SwaggerUI and JwtBearerAuthentication is configured here:


  • The AddOptions method adds services required for using options.

  • The Configure<TokenOptions> method registers a configuration instance which TokenOptions will bind against. The TokenOptions from appsettings.json will be accessible and available for dependency injection.

  • The AddSwaggerGen method registers the Swagger generator.


  • The UseSwagger method exposes the generated Swagger as JSON endpoint. It will be available under the route /swagger/v1/swagger.json.

  • The UseSwaggerUI method exposes Swagger UI, the auto-generated interactive documentation. It will be available under the route /swagger.

  • The InjectOnCompleteJavaScript method injects JavaScript to invoke when the Swagger UI has successfully loaded. I will get back to this later.

  • The UseStaticFiles method enables static file serving. The injected JavaScript for the Swagger UI is served from the wwwroot folder.

  • The UseJwtBearerAuthentication method adds JWT bearer token middleware to the web application pipeline. Audience and Issuer will be used to validate the tokens. The SigningKey for token signatures is specified here. The authorization to the StackController will now be handled with JWT.

Read more about Swashbuckle/Swagger here:

To issue tokens, let’s introduce the AuthenticationController:

  • An IOptions<TokenOptions> object is injected to the constructor. The configuration is used when tokens are issues.

  • The JwtSecurityToken class is used to represent a JSON Web Token.

  • The JwtSecurityTokenHandler class writes a JWT as a JSON Compact serialized format string.

  • Actual authentication is out of the scope of this blog post. You may want to look at IdentityServer4.

  • You probably want to require SSL/HTTPS for the API.

The response from the Token action looks like this:

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0OTA5ODkyNzUsImlzcyI6IkNvbmR1Y3RPZkNvZGUiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjUwNDgwIn0.iSP0Go20rzg69yxERldCCl4MRpCfC1JwcJTstkcc_Ss",
  "expires_in": 3600

Audience, Issuer and Expiration are included in the JWT payload:

  "exp": 1490989275,
  "iss": "ConductOfCode",
  "aud": "http://localhost:50480"

If you copy the value of the access_token, you can use to view the decoded content of the JWT:

When accessing the StackController, a JWT should be sent in the HTTP Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0OTA5ODkyNzUsImlzcyI6IkNvbmR1Y3RPZkNvZGUiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjUwNDgwIn0.iSP0Go20rzg69yxERldCCl4MRpCfC1JwcJTstkcc_Ss

Read more about JWT here:

The request and response classes:

Swagger UI

We can explore the API and the StackController with Swagger UI.

The Swagger UI in this example is available at http://localhost:50480/swagger/

The Swagger specification file looks like this: swagger.json

Because the API is using JwtBearerAuthentication, we will now get a 401 Unauthorized if we don’t provide the correct HTTP Authorization header.

To fix this we can inject some JavaScript to Swagger UI with Swashbuckle. I was reading Customize Authentication Header in SwaggerUI using Swashbuckle by Steve Michelotti before I was able to do this myself.

There are two approaches and two scripts located in the wwwroot folder of the project:



  1. JQuery is used to post to the AuthenticationController and get a valid JWT

  2. When the response is returned, the access_token is added to the authorization header

  3. The StackController actions should now return responses with status codes 200

Inject the script to Swagger UI in Startup.cs:

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "ConductOfCode");

The result looks like this:


  • Enter a username and password, click the Get token button to set the authorization header

  • The Get token button only needs to be clicked once per page load


  1. CryptoJS is used to generate a valid JWT

    • The JWT payload and the SigningKey must be known
  2. The generated token is added to the authorization header

  3. The StackController actions should now return responses with status codes 200

Inject the scripts to Swagger UI in Startup.cs:

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "ConductOfCode");
    c.InjectOnCompleteJavaScript(""); //
  • The crypto-js script is injected from a CDN.

The result looks like this:


  • Enter audience, issuer, and signing key. A token is generated and the authorization header is set every time the Try it out! button for an action is clicked.


We can explore the API and the StackController with Postman.


Import the Swagger specification file:


Then the API is available in a collection:


Because the API is using JwtBearerAuthentication, we will now get a 401 Unauthorized if we don’t provide the correct HTTP Authorization header.

There are two approaches to fix this.


The Token action in the AuthenticationController issues tokens.

Add some JavaScript in the Tests tab:


var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("Authorization", data.token_type + " " + data.access_token);
  • When the response is returned, the access_token is stored in the global variable Authorization

  • The request to the Token action only needs to be sent once per token lifetime (one hour)

Add Authorization to all actions in the Headers tab:


  • The token is accessed via the global variable {{Authorization}}

The StackController actions should now return responses with status codes 200.

Pre-request Script

We can add some JavaScript to Postman that generates a valid JWT. I was reading JWT Authentication in Postman before I was able to do this myself.

  1. CryptoJS is used to generate a valid JWT

    • The JWT payload and the SigningKey must be known
  2. The generated token is stored in the global variable Authorization

Add the content of the authorization3.js file to global variable authorize:


Create an environment and add variables:


  • Audience: http://localhost:50480
  • Issuer: ConductOfCode
  • SigningKey: cc4435685b40b2e9ddcb357fd79423b2d8e293b897d86f5336cb61c5fd31c9a3

Add JavaScript to all actions in the Pre-request Script tab:

Pre-request Script

  • The JavaScript is accessed from the global variable authorize and evaluated.

  • The function authorize is executed and the token is generated.

The StackController actions should now return responses with status codes 200.

The collection can be exported:


  • Perfect for version control

The export file looks like this: ConductOfCode.postman_collection.json


If you are having problems with JavaScript in Postman, read Enabling Chrome Developer Tools inside Postman.